Adult Classes

Be sure to visit Spiritual Deepening for information about our spiritually-centered groups

Lifelong Learners


Horizon offers adults opportunities to grow in knowledge, wisdom, and spirit. Classes range from one-session workshops to semester-long courses. Information can also be found in the weekly newsletter and on bulletin boards around the church.

Adult Class and Small Groups

Watch this spot for registration links and information for classes and groups as they are forming. Many classes and groups started in September. There will be new classes starting in January. Information about the weekly Sunday Morning Forum topics can be found by scrolling down. Learn more about the Horizon Book group and other fellowship groups HERE.

Sunday Morning Forum

sundays, 9-10:15AM

online and In-person in the Library — Check Church Calendar for link

Our weekly facilitators bring topics that motivate us to live into our UU values, grow spiritually, and learn from one another in our free and responsible search for truth and meaning.  Topics and presenters vary from week to week. Drop-ins welcome. Please contact if you have a presentation to give or a fresh topic idea to share.

March 2, 2025

The Theory of Stupidity: Dietrich Bonhoeffer - This enlightening video delves into Bonhoeffer’s philosophical reflections on human behavior and the nature of stupidity, ignorance and thoughtlessness. Discover the impact of societal and individual stupidity, ignorance and thoughtlessness on our lives and learn how to navigate through it with wisdom and understanding. Presenter: Dave Troiano 

March 9, 2025

The State of Healthcare: Part 1 - Why is healthcare in the state it is in currently? We will examine health outcomes in the U.S. and several other countries, comparing them in terms of healthcare spending in dollars and as a percentage of GDP. Presenter: Bhaskar Padakandla, MD

March 16, 2025

The 10 Tactics of Fascism - In his videos, Yale professor Jason Stanley discusses the tactics of fascism. Considering the tactic of anti-intellectualism, the American philosopher argues that attacks on education empower authoritarian regimes by reshaping our understanding of the past. Presenter: Menaca Padakandla

March 23, 2025

Roots to Leaves Episode 2.5: The Limits of Acceptance - Rev. Jude Geiger and Brother Zachary Stevens-Walter discuss the Third Principle of Unitarian Universalism: "Acceptance of one another and encouragement to spiritual growth in our congregations” through the lens of Catholicism, Unitarianism, Universalism, and each of their personal histories and contexts. Presenter: Ed Keller

March 30, 2025

Medical Aid in Dying - Compassion and Choices will host a presentation on the basics of Medical Aid in Dying, including who qualifies, how the process works, and the safeguards in place. We’ll also address common questions and misconceptions to ensure a clear understanding of this end-of-life option. Presenter: Nicole Reyes-Palma from Compassion and Choices