Important Voting Dates for Texans

  • May 3, 2025 - Local Elections - City Councils, School Boards, Local bonds

    • April 3, 2025 Last Day to Register to Vote on May 3

    • April 22, 2025 - First Day of Early Voting

  • November 4, 2025 - Election Day - Federal, State, and County Offices and Texas Amendments

    • October 6, 2025 Last Day to Register to Vote on November 4

    • October 20, 2025 - First Day of Early Voting

Voter Information

County General Election Information Links

Dallas, Collin, Denton, Tarrant

Personal sample ballots may be available at your county elections site: Dallas, Denton, Collin, Tarrant. You can also find personalized voting information at Vote411. Check out the Texas LWV voters’ guide page with links to voting information and videos about different propositions and offices.

Early Voting Locations

Collin, Dallas, Denton, Tarrant- During early voting you may use any location in your county. On Election Day in Denton County you must vote at the location assigned to your precinct. Denton Election Day locations.

Non-Partisan Voters Guide

The League of Women Voters of Texas has published its nonpartisan Voters Guides, which can be found on VOTE411.org.

VOTE411.org will let Texas voters: 

·   Enter their address to see the national and statewide races and candidates on their ballots, compare candidate responses to unbiased questions posed by the League, and create a print-out of their choices to take to the polls. 

·   If there is a local League in the area, voters can also find information on local races and candidate forums.

·   Check their registration status and see polling places and times. 

Register to Vote

Email socialresponsibility@horizonuu.org if you have registration questions or would like a volunteer deputy registrar to contact you. https://www.sos.state.tx.us/elections/voter/reqvr.shtml is a link that lets you fill-in and print a “Mail-in” registration form. You must print it and mail it or take it personally to your county voter registrar.


Texas municipal (city, school) non-partisan elections take place on the first Saturday in May. The people who serve as your Mayor, City Council, and School Board trustees have a huge impact on your daily life and your quality of life. These are the people who provide oversight over police officers, who pass ordinances that affect you, and oversee the education of the children in your area. Voter turnout is normally very low for these elections, this means that your vote has impact!


For November elections in even-numbered years, when you look at your sample ballot many of the races are judicial. These are extremely important positions. Read more about Judges On The Ballot.

Mail-in Ballots

Click HERE for detailed info about voting by mail. You must send in a new application every calendar year or each time that you will be out of town.

Texans, if you receive an official absentee (mail-in) ballot in the mail (whether you applied for one or not), DO NOT destroy it or throw it away. (If you shredded your mail-in ballot - they must still let you vote a provisional ballot.) If you qualify to vote by mail your choices are:

1. Use it to vote and put it in the mail allowing plenty of time for it to get to your county election office by Election Day.

2. Use it to vote and take it to your County Elections office during posted early voting hours or on election day. Be sure to bring your photo ID.

3. Turn it in unused at your polling place or elections office and ask to vote in person.

If you do not qualify to vote by mail (65+, disability, out of town) then you must turn in the unused mail-in ballot and vote in person.


  • When you will vote

  • Where you will vote

  • How you will get there and return home, even if there is a wait to vote

  • The offices, ballot initiatives, and other items on your ballot

  • The candidates and initiatives that you want to vote for or against


Election day

Election Day Hours are 7am to 7pm. If you are in line to vote by 7pm, you have the right to cast a ballot. Election Day Polling Locations: If your county participates in the Countywide Polling Place Program (CWPP), you can vote at any location in your county of registration. Dallas, Collin, and Tarrant Counties are included in this program. Denton County voters must vote at the polling place designated for their precinct on election day. Be sure to check for your voting location when you make your voting plans! Precinct voting locations can be changed or consolidated, so don't assume it will be the same place as the last election.

Identification. Not sure if you have the right ID? This flyer outlines everything you need to know about showing ID when voting in Texas.

Voter Suppression. Voter suppression remains a cause for concern in our communities, especially during this global pandemic. Be vigilant. If you run into any problems or have questions, call the voter protection hotline: 1-866-OUR-VOTE (1-866-687-8683)

General Questions. For general voting questions or items not covered here, visit www.votetexas.gov.