Sunday Worship Services
You are invited to attend Horizon’s weekly worship service. Our Sunday service starts at 10:30 a.m. We warmly welcome all ages, abilities, families and singles, ethnic and racial backgrounds, sexual orientations, and gender identities.
Upcoming Sundays
Attend worship in person or watch it live streamed. The latest worship service can be viewed below.
Past Sundays
Sermons from past Sundays are available on our YouTube channel.
Shared Ministry
Most Sundays, our services are led by our minister Rev. Chris Rothbauer. Occasionally, we have guest ministers or speakers. Plus, some of our services are led by members of the congregation.
The Worship Associates, who participate and assist during the service, also are members of the congregation. Our Greeters are in the lobby and at our Welcome Center to say hello, help visitors sign in and explain how classes are scheduled for the children and youth. Our Greeters and Ushers are available before and after the service to answer questions and introduce you to others.