Soul Matters
Welcome to Soul Matters!
Every month this year, we'll examine a different theme through Soul Matters, a Unitarian Universalist theme-based curriculum that encourages deep thinking about spiritual, religious, and philosophical topics. Look for opportunities in Worship, Religious Education, Sharing Groups, and on social media.
About Our 2024-2025 Themes:
This year's themes are about practices we need to live love at the center of our lives. What does it mean to bring this kind of love to the world, to center it in our very lives? Join us this year at Horizon as we take a deep dive in the practice of liberating love!
Our March theme is the Practice of Trust. In religious circles, talk of trust most often revolves around having faith that life will look after us. This call to trust Life comes to us as a gift. After all, it can be quite easy to convince ourselves that life is a foe. So we need our faith communities to restore our faith that life is ultimately a friend. We need the reassurance that when we fall, we can count on being picked up.