The Horizon Libraries


Horizon is home to two libraries; the main collection located across from the sanctuary and the Family Library in Room 6. The libraries contain more than 2,500 selected books, videos, and DVDs for children and adults. Our emphasis on Unitarian Universalism features titles related to our history, biographies of notable UUs, and theology. The collection also includes current titles about spirituality, world religions, holidays, care of the earth, parenting, sexuality, personal growth and bereavement.

Both libraries are open Sunday mornings before and after the service (10:15-10:30 and 11:30-noon), and anytime during church hours when not reserved for a meeting or class.

Searchable databases of different materials can be found by clicking on the links: Unitarian Universalism Children’s collection General Collection Small Groups Church leaders DVDS/recordings

Books may be checked out for one month by members and friends of Horizon Church. Checkout instructions are clearly posted. No fines are assessed for overdue books, but contributions are gratefully accepted.

If you'd like to expand your personal collections, please visit our Bookstore and online sales with A percentage of your purchases benefit the church.

Horizon also participates in the Unitarian Universalist Association’s annual Common Read and has a monthly Book Club.