Governance & Organization


Democracy is one of our primary values. Each Unitarian Universalist congregation is autonomous in its own governance and may choose its own structure. At Horizon, we use a governance-by-policy model.

Board of Trustees

Members of the congregation elect a board of seven trustees, including a President, Vice President, Treasurer and Secretary. Each position is for a two-year term.  This board sets policies and guides the vision of Horizon. Leadership News from your board.

Policies of Horizon’s Board of Trustees

2023-2024 Board Goals

2023-2024 Board Covenant

February 2025 HUUC Board Meeting Minutes

Endowment Grant Updates - 2024

Governance Task Force

The Governance Taskforce is an ad hoc advisory committee appointed by Horizon’s Board of Trustees. This committee holds the responsibility of researching and advising the Board on the governance structure of the church, communication between constituent groups, and review of the church’s bylaws. The committee is accountable to the Board, with the Board retaining the authority to make decisions regarding governance.

Governance Task Force Charter

Governance Task Force Executive Summary

Governance Task Force Survey Results

Operations Staff

The day-to-day operations of Horizon are managed by paid staff and non-paid members. Rev. Chris Rothbauer, who is our full-time paid minister, is the chief of staff.

Office personnel includes an administrator and bookkeeper. Worship personnel includes a music director and piano accompanist. Educational personnel includes a Director of Lifespan Religious Education and childcare professionals.

Many activities and groups at Horizons are led by volunteers. The Growth and Learning Circle is overseen by the Director of Lifespan Religious Education. The Worship Circle is led by the minister.