Horizon’s Annual Congregational Meeting after the service has ended during virtual coffee hour via this Zoom link. For the meeting, a copy of the bylaw revisions, FY20-21 budget summary and detail and the brief bios of the nominees for the Board and Committees can be found on the website at https://www.horizonuu.org/governance-organization.
Each Unitarian Universalist congregation is an autonomous, self-governing, democratic, covenanted body. As such, the Horizon Unitarian Universalist Church congregation is accountable for anticipating and assuming responsibility for all its major needs, expenditures, and decisions. As detailed in HUUC’s By-Laws, the Board of Trustees represents the congregation for many of those decisions, but certain key decisions are reserved for the congregation. Twice a year we hold Congregational Meetings to fulfill these duties, share information, and to make necessary decisions which affect Horizon as a whole. At our Annual Congregational Meeting, you will: Be presented, for approval, recommended changes to the HUUC Bylaws; Vote on how our money is spent; Elect officers/members of the Board of Trustees, Nominating Committee, the Committee on Shared Ministry (CoSM), and the Endowment Committee; Receive an update from your Board concerning the financial health of HUUC, progress against FY 2019-20 goals and other key activities, and plans for FY 2021; Learn about the state of our ministries and plans for FY 2021 from our Circle Coordinators; Get an update on the Potential Capital Campaign.