Event moved to January 29 from original date of January 22.
Help beautify Horizon and spruce up the areas outside the church building. There will be tasks people of all ages and abilities can do to make the outside of the church look its best such as:
•Collecting and disposing of items around the outside of the buildings.
•Weeding the garden beds.
•Tidying up the Memorial Garden area.
•Giving the outside of the Portable Building some polish.
Bring work gloves, garden trimmers, and shovels/rakes. Teens can receive service hours for participating!
For more information contact DLRE@horizonuu.org Inclement weather date: January 29.
Metrocrest Services requests items in high demand: Diapers and wipes, sanitary pads and tampons and other personal hygiene products, laundry soap, and shelf-stable food items. No glass containers or expired items, please.
If you are unable to bring your donations for Metrocrest on Saturday, you may bring them to Horizon on Sunday, January 30th. Thank you.