VDRS are needed to register a variety of citizens: high school students, college students, and immigrants who have recently become citizens. Your Horizon GOTV team has identified lots of opportunities to participate in registration activities!
Naturalization Ceremonies
The League of Women Voters leads a particularly exciting opportunity: registering voters at Naturalization Ceremonies. VDR’s for Collin, Dallas, Denton, and/or Tarrant county are needed. This ongoing opportunity occurs outdoors, with a lot of standing and walking, since the VDR’s pass out and accept registrations for a large group of people as they are entering and exiting the ceremony. The LWV requests that volunteers select a four hour shift on the day they will work, either morning (7-11) or afternoon (11-3). There is an air conditioned break room available in the heat of the summer.
“I’ve volunteered at a few of these events, and it’s very special. The new citizens and their families are so happy and proud. One volunteer shows up as Lady Liberty. The new citizens are excited about registering and voting. It’s a poignant reminder of what democracy is all about.” – Sarah Berel-Harrop
To get on the list to be apprised of the Naturalization Ceremony opportunities, email socialresponsibility@horizonuu.org
March to the Polls Fall High School Registration
March to the Polls partners with local schools to register eligible high school students. They are currently conducting training for volunteers who would like to help visit the 78 school partners and register students prior to the October 11 deadline for the November election. Visit https://lp.constantcontactpages.com/sv/966iCC1/mttpvolunteer to sign up for training. Trainings occur through the end of August, with school visits scheduled in September and October.
Other Opportunities
The organizations listed below have regularly scheduled events which you can sign up for as your schedule permits. They typically advertise the events and arrange for the facilities with a site where there are people needing to register to vote. We urge you to go to one of these web sites and to sign up with this organization to be a volunteer VDR for them. They will provide you with opportunities to impact voting by registering many new voters.
League of Women Voters Dallas volunteer portal: https://www.lwvdallas.org/volunteer
MOVE Texas volunteer portal: https://movetexas.org/volunteer
As you participate in these activities, please keep track of the number of voters you register and report them to socialresponsibility@horizonuu.org.