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Purpose, Values, Covenant, & Inspirations of the UUA

  • Horizon Unitarian Universalist Church 1641 West Hebron Parkway Carrollton, TX, 75010 United States (map)

Article II Purposes and Covenant

Sign-up now through February 18th for the Wellspring Article II Class! This June, delegates at General Assembly will vote on changes to Article II of the Unitarian Universalist Association bylaws. This is where the current Principles and Sources are listed which represent the covenant among UU congregations and the UUA. In this class, we won't be debating the language, but reflecting on the values and covenant and how they can help us live into our faith as Unitarian Universalists!
The class will be held on four
Tuesday evenings from 7pm-8:30pm - February 20, 27, March 5, and March 19
(note that we will skip March 12). Attendance is strongly recommended at all four sessions. This class will be offered in person at Horizon UU Church. A Zoom link will be available for those who want to attend but can not get to the church.

During the four sessions we will explore:
1: Covenant - Explore the covenant section and how we can live into it
2: Purpose, Inspirations, Inclusion and Freedom of Belief - the sections before and after the values and covenant.
3. Love - Explore the centering value in the proposed Article II.
4. Six Values: Interdependence, Justice, Equity, Generosity, Pluralism, and Transformation - Connect with the values and their meaning in our lives and communities.

This study group will be patterned after many of the UU Wellspring programs. And will include these components: Small group connections, Daily spiritual practices, Deeper knowledge of UU history and theology, and Putting UU faith into action.
Sign up HERE.

For more information, contact the facilitator at

Read the Final Proposed Article II Revision HERE

Earlier Event: February 1
February Share The Plate - TCADP
Later Event: February 25
Family Pizza Party