Horizon has a history of get out the vote (GOTV) and voting related activism.
We are coordinating our efforts with faith-based organizations such as Faith in Texas and UU the Vote, and other nonpartisan groups such as: Common Cause, Vote Forward, and the League of Woman Voters. A partial list of activities includes:
GOTV Letter and Post Card Writing
Voter registration
Poll watching/Poll workers
Voter education and information
Text and Phone Banking
Letter and postcard writing campaigns have costs for postage, envelopes, and printing.
We must engage in voting activities like never before if we want our democracy to remain intact after the November 2024 elections. We must work to counter:
Texas’ low voter turnout
Increasing threats to democracy by well-funded autocratic groups
Extreme polarization in our country
You may give at www.horizonuu.org any time in April by clicking “GIVE” and then selecting “Give to Share-the-Plate Donation” or by writing a check made out to Horizon UU Church with Horizon GOTV on the memo line. The offering collected on April 7th not marked as “pledge” will go to April’s Share the Plate for Horizon GOTV.
Email socialresponsibility@horizonuu.org if you’d like to be added to the GOTV email list.