Horizon UU Annual Passover Seder Potluck Dinner!
The Feast of Unleavened Bread
All are Welcome!
Jewish teachings and traditions are one of the many sources from which the Unitarian Universalist living tradition draws. The Horizon UU Annual Passover Seder is a tradition going back at least 25 years.
In celebration of the Jewish holiday of Passover, Jews all over the world join together in a ceremonial feast: the Seder. The word “seder” means “order” in Hebrew. The Passover Seder is an order of 15 actions which are performed during the Passover ritual meal.
The Haggadah, like a script, tells the story of the Hebrews exodus from slavery in Egypt, more than 3,000 years ago. Our UU Haggadah, “Haggadah for a Unitarian Universalist Seder,” has been around since 1990. Compiled and edited by David R. Weissbard – since 2006 minister emeritus of the UU Church Rockford, Illinois - and illustrated by Bonnie Anderson, it honors this ancient tradition and relates it to our own UU faith.
The Seder ritual and symbolic foods enhance the story, helping us to relive the ancient experience in our own lives and ways, and leaving us each time with new thoughts to ponder – which may lead to new actions to take in our own lives.
So, bring your favorite dish! AND, in keeping with Jewish tradition, please keep your food kosher: NO Pork, Shellfish, mixed meat and dairy, or Leavened Bread products.
For questions or more details: E-mail specialevents@horizonuu.org
To Sign Up:
Sign up in Fellowship Hall after Church
E-mail specialevents@horizonuu.org
Or, just come at the last minute!
{A suggested contribution of $5.00 per person or $15.00 per family - to cover costs of ceremonial foods & beverages - is greatly appreciated.}