

In Unitarian Universalism, Installation is the congregational act of formally entering into shared ministry with a professional minister. Installation is not only a celebration for welcoming the minister themself, but for celebrating the community we will build together. During the ritual the new minister and congregation enter into covenant, move into shared ministry with one another, and receive blessings from the wider UU community.

Let us come together to celebrate the new relationships between our congregation, our new minister, and our shared faith.

Volunteer sign-up link

Please remember to buy a ticket for the Peter Mayer concert! We have a number of gifted tickets saved as well. Those who need free tickets may request them from Rev. Chris.


  • Traditionally held towards the end of a settled minister’s first year in a new congregation, an Installation is a formal ritual where the new minister and congregation enter into covenant and move into shared ministry with one another, and receive blessings from the wider UU community.

  • Unitarian Universalism is an international faith tradition that extends well beyond Horizon. A newly settled minister is cause for celebration for all. An Installation is an opportunity for the faith to bestow blessings on the new minister, and typically this is done by those who were part of the minister’s faith journey or have an interest in or connection with the church.

  • We will be hosting an impressive list of dignitaries from the UU faith headlined by the current President of the UUA, Rev. Dr. Sofia Betancourt. Other names include Alex Kapitan, Rev. Duncan Teague, Rev. Nell Newton, Rev. Julie Conrady, Rev. Dennis McCarty, Rev. Misha Sanders, and Rev. Dr. Aija Duelm. Rev. Chris’ chosen family will also be traveling to join us.

  • Because these dignitaries are invited guests, it is customary to subsidize their travel and play host to them while they are in Carrollton. Some of them are self-paying, staying with family, or driving, which will reduce our expenses. We will also need to pay for the decorations, audiovisuals, music, and reception for the Installation itself. We have a budget and have created a reserve account for the Installation.

  • To extend the celebration, we arranged for a benefit concert with none other than Peter Mayer, singer-songwriter and creator of the beloved “Blue Boat Home.” We have 220 seats available in our sanctuary. If the concert sells out, that will net us around $7500. We also hosted a chili potluck which raised over $500. Unexpected costs always arise, so we also welcome direct donations to the Installation through Breeze or during the offertory. In the app, choose “Other,” and on the bottom of the payment page please comment "Installation Fund." When you’ve finished, be sure to send an email to to ensure your funds are directed to the Installation. Any surplus funds will move to the Minister’s Discretionary Fund.

  • Rev. Lora was a home-grown minister. Her family lives locally, she trained in the Dallas area, and she even interned with us at Horizon! Almost all of her invited guests were from the DFW Metroplex, which did not require any flights, hotels, or other extensive travel arrangements. Additionally, costs of everything have increased significantly since the time of her Installation. 

  • The easiest way to help is to purchase a ticket to the concert, either for yourself or for somebody else. You can also donate directly to the cause as mentioned above. We will need a lot of volunteer help to make all of these events work. The link to sign up is available in the newsletter. And most importantly, you can show up for the Installation to support your church and Rev. Chris on this momentous occasion!

Many thanks,
Your Installation Committee
Carolyn Moore, Saj Surve, Helena Ulakovic, Joel Woiten