September Share The Plate – Mothers Against Police Brutality
Mothers Against Police Brutality was founded in 2013 by Collette Flanagan after her son, Clinton Allen, an unarmed, 25-year-old African American and father of two, was shot to death by a Dallas police officer. “Losing a child is the most devastating thing that can happen in your lifetime,” Collette said as she launched MAPB. “But losing a child to police violence is like a tsunami that blows your family, your life, your very world into a thousand lost pieces.” MAPB seeks to change policing in America by building a network of families who have suffered the loss of a loved one to police brutality, and their supporters, to bring a national solution to what is undeniably a national crisis. MAPB advocates national standards on police use of deadly force, so that all of us living in America can expect our constitutional rights to be respected by police officers, whether we live in Minneapolis, Ferguson, or Dallas. MAPB’s work involves organizing, advocacy, and research – all grounded in the lived experience of families who know directly the grave injustice of police brutality. As Collette says, “We must turn our grief into determination to win justice for all our children.”
You may GIVE HERE by putting MAPB in the additional information box. You may also mail checks to the church made out to Horizon UU Church with MAPB on the memo line any time during September. Find out more at